Berger and Green is dedicated to people. We are dedicated to our clients. We are dedicated to our attorneys and staff. And we are dedicated to our Pittsburgh community. We are always looking for ways to provide support to members of our communities, whether by sponsoring important charity events or helping animals receive the care they need.
Helping People in Our Community
We believe in helping the people of Pittsburgh and nearby communities get compensation for an injury or secure disability benefits they need and deserve. But our role in the community does not stop there.
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation
We are proud supporters of charities and charitable events in the community. We have been supporters of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation as sponsors and participants in its Take Steps for Crohn’s and Colitis Walk. We even hold an annual luncheon for the Berger and Green team and other occupants of our building, with proceeds benefiting the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation.
Stuff a Bus
Berger and Green is also proud to partner with Stuff a Bus, an annual drive run by 96.1 Kiss FM radio personalities Mikey and Big Bob to collect toys for families in need around the holiday season. They literally stuff a school bus full of toys and donate them to the annual Toys for Tots drive, which then distributes them to families around Pittsburgh. Sponsoring Stuff A Bus has become a much-loved holiday tradition at Berger and Green. To support Stuff A Bus we have sponsored Facebook like campaigns, holiday ornaments and Stuff A Bus T-shirts. We also hold a holiday toy drive and breakfast at our office to collect toys and donations.
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Community Gardens and Greenspace Program
Berger and Green partners with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Community Gardens and Greenspace. The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Community Gardens and Greenspace Program works to improve public spaces through gardening. Berger and Green have sponsored the garden at Brighton Road and N Charles street for several years.
Dollar Energy Fund Warmathon
Berger and Green was a sponsor of the 11th Annual Dollar Energy Fund Warmathon on February 14-15, 2019. The Warmathon raises money to help families restore or maintain basic utility services during the winter months. Since 2009, the annual Warmathon has raised over $3 million to help more than 9,000 families keep warm during the winter.
Neighborhood Legal Services
Berger and Green is a longtime supporter of the Neighborhood Legal Services Association’s Equal Justice Campaign. The Neighborhood Legal Services Association provides critical legal services to low-income families in the Pittsburgh region who need help to maintain basic safety, shelter, food, and income for their families.
Additional work in the community:
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society Pennsylvania Keystone Chapter
- The Lupus Foundation of Pennsylvania
- Empty Bowls / Greater Pittsburgh Community Foodbank
- Western Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association 5k Run/Walk/Wheel to support the Pittsburgh Steelwheelers
- Izzie’s Gifts of Hope Foundation
Helping Animals in Our Community
Berger and Green is a proud supporter of animals. We have partnerships with the Animal Rescue League (ARL) Shelter and Wildlife Center and the Central PA Humane Society. Both organizations provide invaluable support to animals in Pittsburgh and throughout central Pennsylvania. Cindy Berger was even the Event Chair at the 17th Annual Paw Prints Gala, the ARL Shelter and Wildlife Center’s annual fundraising event.
Through these partnerships, we help support low-cost vaccinations, affordable veterinarian care for animals, adoptions, and spay and neuter procedures for dogs and cats.
Our Heart Disease Scholarship
Millions of people living with heart disease in the United States. It is responsible for one of every four deaths in the U.S., making it the leading cause of death in our country, according to the CDC.
Every year, we give one hardworking college student living with heart disease a $1,000 Heart Disease Scholarship. We recognize the challenges that living with heart disease brings, and are proud to offer this scholarship to a deserving student. This scholarship is just one more way that Berger and Green support people living with a disability.