If you think the car accident might be your fault, it is important that you do not admit responsibility to the other driver or their insurance company. If you did cause the accident, they may be able to collect evidence to prove that and file a claim based on your auto liability policy. However, there is no reason you need to make their job easier for them.
In addition, avoiding admitting guilt helps to protect your right to fair compensation. If you were not fully responsible for causing the accident, admitting you believe you caused or contributed to the crash can make it more difficult to get the money you need.
You likely have options to collect compensation for at least a portion of your own damages, even if you are the liable party. A competent car accident lawyer can help you understand how and why the accident occurred, and discuss your options for compensation. Call 412-661-1400 today.
Can I File a No-Fault Claim If I Caused the Crash?
Pennsylvania is a choice no-fault state that requires all motorists to carry no-fault insurance. This personal injury protection (PIP) coverage pays for your medical treatment and related costs up to the limits of the policy. If your injuries are relatively minor or moderate, this could be enough to cover all of your medical care.
Because this is a no-fault policy, you can file a claim and recover compensation even if you caused the accident. Your insurer will not question fault during the claims process, and you do not need to prove anything—except your covered losses and expenses—to receive payment.
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Start A Free EvaluationCan I Recover Other Compensation?
We often encounter clients who believe they are liable for an accident, but are not entirely to blame for the wreck. Even if police cited you in a crash, there is a chance they misjudged the cause of the accident or that there were more factors at play they did not take into account.
It is possible that you only contributed to a crash. Under the state comparative negligence law, you can contribute to an accident and still file a liability insurance claim for compensation in many cases. This is possible as long as you were not more than 50 percent at fault for the accident.
If we find that you did play a role in causing your crash, but another party played a larger part, we can help you file for money based on the other driver’s auto liability policy. While you will receive a reduced amount of compensation because of your fault, you can still recover a settlement for some of your damages.
Many drivers can only file for economic damages in this type of crash because they opted for limited tort insurance coverage. We might be able to help you recover additional money for your pain and suffering and emotional distress if:
- You opted for full tort insurance coverage;
- You suffered serious and catastrophic injuries; or
- You met another limited tort exception.
We know you’re hurting. We can help. Free case evaluations, home and hospital visits.
Contact Us Now For HelpCan the Other Motorist Hold Me Liable for Their Damages?
The victims of an accident you caused can hold you liable for the damages they suffered, but they must prove negligence. They will need to do this by:
- Investigating how and why the accident occurred;
- Identifying the laws you broke or showing how you acted carelessly;
- Proving your actions caused the accident; and
- Demonstrating they suffered damages and financial losses.
In addition, they will need to prove they did not contribute causing to the crash.
If they can prove these details, the state financial responsibility law requires you to carry an auto liability policy to cover their expenses and losses. Your insurance company should handle this entire process. Insurers usually reach fair settlements with accident victims without having to resort to litigation. If there are serious questions about your liability or other problems with the victim’s case, however, your insurance company could deny their claim.
You need an attorney with the experience and dedication to give your case the care it deserves.
Start A Free EvaluationHow Can I Talk to a Pittsburgh Car Accident Attorney About My Situation?
At Berger and Green, our car accident team can help you understand what you need to do if you think you might be at fault for a car crash. We can explain your options for compensation to cover your own damages and ease your fears about the other parties holding you liable.
Call us today at 412-661-1400 for a free consultation with a member of our team.