The process required to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) from the Social Security Administration (SSA) is not complicated, as long as you have someone on your side who understands the strict criteria for qualifying and can help you prepare your claim. At Berger and Green, our knowledgeable disability attorneys are ready to walk you through the process and fight for the monthly benefits you deserve.
For help understanding how to apply for SSI benefits in Pittsburgh, call us today at 412-661-1400. We offer free case evaluations to SSI applicants.
Gather Your Personal Information.
By gathering all of your information into an organized file before you begin the application process, it makes it much easier to ensure you have everything when filing your claim. In our experience, having these documents at-hand will help the process go more smoothly.
Personal Information
- Your personal information, including birthdate, birthplace, and Social Security number
- The personal information of your spouse and any previous spouses, including birthdates, birthplaces, and Social Security numbers
- The dates and locations of your marriage or marriages and dates of divorce or death of any previous spouses
- The personal information of any minor children in your care
Financial Information
- Information about your income for the last year and the current year
- Documentation of any assets you own and their value
- Your routing number and bank account number, for electronic deposit of benefits
Medical Information
- Any details you can provide about your impairment, including contact information of family and friends who can verify your disability
- Names, addresses, and phone numbers of your doctors and specialists and the facilities where you receive treatment
- Medication and other treatments you currently take and the names of the prescribing doctors
- Outcomes of any attempted treatment
- Any information you can provide about the types of tests you have undergone, when they occurred, who requested them, and their findings
Our lawyers know what the SSA is looking for in each SSI application. We can review your claim file for any missing information before we help you apply for benefits.
40+ years of experience from strong, knowledgeable, compassionate attorneys.
Start A Free EvaluationReview the SSA’s Technical Qualifications.
Once we have all the information available to document your current financial situation, we can help you determine if you meet the strict financial limits necessary for SSI. This is the first thing the disability examiner assigned to your application will examine. If you do not meet these qualifications, you will receive a technical denial.
SSI is an income-based disability program, so you must meet their income limits in order to qualify. For 2017, this means a monthly income below:
- $735 for an individual; or
- $1,103 for a couple.
While some disability programs only include income you earned from a job, SSI looks at all types of income. This includes other government benefits, investment income, and income earned from working.
SSI also has a strict asset limit, although they exclude many common assets in this count. You must have less than $2,000 in assets to qualify—or $3,000 for a couple—but your home, daily driving vehicle, tools and resources used for self-employment, and tools of accommodation necessary because of your impairment do not count against your limit. When we look at your financial situation, we can explain whether you qualify for a deduction or exclusion.
We know you’re hurting. We can help. Free case evaluations, home and hospital visits.
Contact Us Now For HelpEvaluate Your Medical Criteria.
Often, our clients stress about whether they meet the medical qualifications to receive SSI more than any other part of the application process—and for good reason. Most benefits denials occur because the disability determination agent decides they do not meet the SSA’s definition of disabled.
The SSA only awards benefits to those who have a total disability, meaning they cannot work and earn a living. There are two ways you can prove your impairments are disabling:
- Meeting the qualifications in an impairment listing; or
- Through a residual functional capacity (RFC) assessment.
The SSA publishes a book of impairment listings that outline the criteria you need to meet based on your medical condition. If your medical records clearly show you meet these criteria and the technical qualifications, you should receive approval.
If you do not meet the criteria in the impairment listings, you will need to rely on your RFC to get the benefits you need. This statement of your abilities tells the SSA the tasks you are capable of, how long you can work, and how frequently. If your medical records show you cannot work your most recent job, any previous job, or perform any other work, you will likely qualify for disability benefits.
While we cannot guarantee you will meet the medical qualifications for SSI, we can often get a good idea based on the information you provide us about your condition, treatments, and testing. We can also provide tips and resources to improve your chances of approval.
You need an attorney with the experience and dedication to give your case the care it deserves.
Start A Free EvaluationFile Your Application.
Once we have all the information necessary, we can help you file the application for benefits. We will set up an appointment with a local Social Security office in or around Pittsburgh and ensure you have everything necessary to complete the process. We will offer guidance every step of the way, ensuring the SSA gets the information they need to approve you for benefits.
We can address all the legal hurdles that may be keeping you from getting a fair settlement.
Speak To An Attorney TodayHow Can I Talk to a Pittsburgh SSI Lawyer About My Application?
At Berger and Green, our Pittsburgh SSI attorneys can help you determine if you qualify and apply for benefits. We can also help you navigate the appeals process if the SSA denied your claim. Call our office today at 412-661-1400 to schedule your free consultation.
SSI Application Lawyers in Pittsburgh
Benefits for the Disabled, Low-Income
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a benefit from Social Security for those who are disabled and meet certain low-income requirements. The work requirements of Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits do not apply to SSI, and you may qualify for either benefit or both, depending on your circumstances. If you are disabled and, it is important to find out if you are eligible for SSI as well as whether you are eligible for SSD. If you qualify, be sure to apply for both, as the application process is the same for SSD and SSI.
Apply As Soon As Possible
Applying for benefits as soon as you know your disability will cause you to be unable to work is important. Social Security can take a long time to decide a case, and the date of your application helps determine when your benefits and medical coverage should start.
For more detailed information about the approval process, see SSD Applications. The process is the same, though Social Security may also ask for proof of income and assets related to your SSI claim.
You can apply on your own by calling your local Social Security office, visiting in person, or applying online.
Experienced Lawyers
You can also consult with a lawyer for assistance. Applying for Social Security can be a confusing process, and the experience of an attorney can help you to take the right steps toward a successful case for SSI. Call Berger and Green for a free consultation about your Supplemental Security Income claim.
Free case evaluations • NO attorneys’ fees or costs unless we recover a settlement, benefits, or verdict in your case • We can initiate your case by phone or e-mail – CALL today (412) 661-1400 or Contact us online