No, you do not have to talk to the other driver’s insurance company, you should never talk to the other driver’s insurance company. All they’re going to want to do is to get information to figure out how to denigrate or deny your claim.
Food poisoning and food related illnesses are more common than you may think. The various bacteria and viruses that can lead to food poisoning include E. Coli, Hepatitis, Norovirus, Listeria and
Doctors Warn of the Dangers of Nerf Guns Nerf guns have been reported to cause eye injuries including corneal abrasion (or scratch on the eye), internal bleeding in and around the eye, pain, blurred
A seven-year-old girl went to a Halloween party at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World earlier this month. Her costume of choice was a peacock and she accessorized with "Fright Night" eye shadow
Disability lawyers are not required when applying for Social Security Disability benefits; however, they do increase your chances of success. You can go through all levels of the disability process
If you are involved in an accident in a dangerous intersection there are potentially a number of people who are responsible for your injuries and damages. The first and most obvious answer is that
If you get into an accident on your ATV, your policy might cover some of your medical bills up to a certain amount. The state does not set a minimum requirement for ATV liability coverage or medical
Another question that's very important to potential clients is, what's my case worth? That's a difficult question to answer, particularly at the beginning of the case. Cases are valued based upon the
While slip and fall accidents are preventable, they happen especially during the winter months. It is important to put your health and wellbeing first after a Pittsburgh slip and fall. You need to get