If you’re living with panic or anxiety disorder, you may wonder if these conditions can qualify you for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. Severe cases of anxiety and panic disorders can be considered disabling enough to receive SSD benefits. However, the process isn’t always straightforward. Many applicants face initial denials or frustration as they attempt to navigate the complex SSD criteria for mental health...
If your doctor just makes a statement that you are disabled that is generally not enough for you to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits or SSI. What happens is Social Security evaluates the medical records that the doctor writes down when you go for visits or if you’re hospitalized or if the doctor sends you for a test and they order the results of those tests, they looked at your hospital records and they try to decide whether what’s...
There's varied amounts of time that it takes for your SSD benefits to begin. If your case is strictly an SSD case, it could take only a month for that benefit to begin. If your case is SSD and SSI combined, it might take more like three months for those benefits to begin because there has to be offset calculations made by Social Security. If your case is strictly an SSI case, it could take four to six weeks for your benefits to begin. And again, these times...
The Social Security Administration determines if you meet their definition of disabled and if you are eligible for Social Security disability benefits. Your doctor does not decide if you are disabled and eligible for Social Security disability benefits. It is helpful for your claim for Social Security disability benefits if your doctor is supportive of your claim for benefits. ...