According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rear-end collisions are more common than any other type of accident. In fact, the Rear-end collisions usually occur when one driver is following too close to the driver in front of them. However, in some cases, the driver in front may be liable for an accident.
It is your decision whether you need a lawyer after a car accident, but it is important that you know the benefits of hiring a lawyer before making such a decision. You may ultimately determine that hiring a lawyer reduces the burden on yourself or your loved one as you seek compensation for your losses. You may also find that a lawyer will defend your rights and provide valuable advice in the course of their representation.
Human error is one of the main causes of car accidents. Human error may stem from negligence, carelessness, or recklessness. Some examples of human errors that lead to car accidents include being distracted by your phone or the radio, not checking your blind spot before merging into another lane, and driving while drunk.
Knowing what the main causes of car accidents are, may help you be more vigilant on the road and look out for potential hazards. If...What Causes Rear-End Collisions?
When the Driver in the Back Is Liable for a Rear-End Collision
A driver who is following another vehicle has a duty to leave sufficient space between the two cars so that he or she will be able to slow down or stop suddenly, if necessary. If one vehicle hits another...Do I Need a Lawyer After a Car Accident?
Why You May Choose to...
What Is the Definition of a Car Accident?
Because there are many different types of car accidents, there is no one set definition. Many people define a car accident as a collision between two vehicles that results in injuries and property damage. However, some car accidents only involve one vehicle, yet still can cause injuries and property damage.
While these “accidents” are usually unintentional, injured drivers...
What Are the Main Causes of Car Accidents?