In August, the presidential administration announced they would be canceling out student loan debt for 323,000 disabled borrowers for a total of $5.8 billion dollars.
The change will apply to borrowers who have been identified by the Social Security Administration (SSA) as disabled.
The Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) discharge program allows student loan borrowers who are unable to maintain substantial, gainful employment due to a physical or mental disability, get their federal student loans cancelled.
Previously, to get student loans forgiven under the program, disabled applicants must submit an application to have their loans canceled. This can be difficult for a disabled person. Because of this, many applications were not submitted as there should have been.
Now with the new legislation in affect, disabled borrowers who have been identified by the SSA, will have their loans automatically cancelled.
The Department of Education will conduct a data match of those receiving Social Security disability payments to identify individuals with outstanding federal student loans who will be eligible for the forgiveness program.
This will greatly help disabled individuals who already face many challenges.
Getting Help With Your Social Security Disability Benefits
You should apply for Social Security Disability benefits as soon as possible. If you become disabled and will be unable to work or your disability is life threatening, do not hesitate to apply. The process for receiving these monthly payments and benefits can take a long time. It is important that you begin the application process early so that you can begin receiving benefits as soon as possible.
40+ years of experience from strong, knowledgeable, compassionate attorneys.
Start A Free EvaluationIf you are considering applying for either SSD or SSI benefits, or have been denied these benefits and need representation, do not delay. Contact an experienced Social Security Disability Attorney. Call the Social Security Disability attorneys at Berger and Green at 412-661-1400 for a free no obligation consultation to discuss your claim.