What You Should Know about Social Security’s Continuing Disability Review of Benefits.
A Continuing Disability Review (CDR) is a routine review done by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
CDRs are completed to make sure that recipients of Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits are still disabled and entitled to those benefits.
There are circumstances, other than medical improvement, that can cause people to lose benefits or have them reduced. Examples include overpayments, working over SGA or no longer meeting the resource and income requirements for SSI benefits.
You should not panic if you receive a CDR notice, but do not ignore it either.
It is your responsibility to let the SSA know if your medical conditions have improved, or you decide to return to work over SGA’s limits.
The SSA is required by law to review disability benefit recipients’ eligibility and to verify that claimants still have a disability that prevents them from working.
How often the SSA conducts a Continuing Disability Review (CDR) is determined by your medical condition.
From the SSA’s website:
If medical improvement is:
- Expected: The SSA will typically review your medical condition within 6 to 18 months after your decision.
- Possible: The SSA will typically review your medical condition about every three years.
- Not Expected: The SSA will typically review your medical condition about every seven years.
Your award notice will let you know when you can expect your first medical review.
What To Do If You Receive a CDR Notice:
- Respond on time to the SSA’s request.
- Gather all necessary information the SSA asks you for.
- Social Security will ask you to complete a CDR form.
- Contact the SSA if you need assistance with this paperwork or if you need more time. If you do not cooperate, your benefits could stop.
Receiving a CDR is a normal part of the Social Security disability process, and it does not mean your benefits will be stopped without notice. Failure to respond to CDR could lead to a loss of your Social Security disability benefits. If you are a past client who is going through a Continuing Disability Review, we encourage you to cooperate fully with the Social Security Administration.
Questions about the disability process.
Navigating the Social Security disability process can be rather complex due to the SSA’s strict rules. The attorneys at Berger and Green have years of experience navigating each stage of the process including:
- Application stage
- Request for Reconsideration
- Appeals Process
- Hearing before an Administrative Law Judge
40+ years of experience from strong, knowledgeable, compassionate attorneys.
Start A Free EvaluationIf you or someone you know have questions about obtaining Social Security disability benefits, contact the Social Security Disability attorneys at Berger and Green for a free no obligation consultation. Call 412-661-1400 to speak with an attorney today.