Doctors Warn of the Dangers of Nerf Guns
Nerf guns have been reported to cause eye injuries including corneal abrasion (or scratch on the eye), internal bleeding in and around the eye, pain, blurred vision and temporary loss of vision.
Doctors are warning consumers about the dangers of Nerf guns. After seeing many cases where adults and children have suffered serious eye injuries because of Nerf guns, doctors are suggesting the age limit be raised or protective eye wear must be worn while operating the toy guns. At this time, the age limit on the guns is eight and up.
Hasbro, the manufacturer of Nerf guns, says that their products have all gone through rigorous testing and reviews ensuring their safety. They also warn consumers to only use their brand of Nerf bullets; they cannot guarantee the safety of other brands.
Parents may want to rethink purchasing this product for young children. It is best to consider your child’s age, development and maturity before purchasing a product that does present serious dangers if not properly used.
Parent should consider eye safety and set rules for using Nerf guns. The most important rule should be to never aim at someone’s face or eyes.
To be extra cautious, the guns should be used with eye protection such as sports or protective goggles to prevent an accidental eye injury.
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It is a manufacturer’s responsibility to make sure their products are safe for consumers. If someone is injured due to a defective product, a product liability claim may exist. A claim may be pursued to pay for damages caused by the defective product such as medical bills, missed time from work and pain and suffering.
If you or someone you know has been seriously injured by a defective product, it is important to contact a personal injury attorney to review your rights. Call 412-661-1400 to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Pittsburgh at Berger and Green today.