A jackknife accident occurs when the trailer of a semi skids out of control, causing the cab and trailer to face different directions. These types of truck accidents, can result in...
Pittsburgh Freezing Rain, Snow, and Icy Road Accident Attorneys
Freezing rain, snow, and icy roads make for very dangerous driving conditions in Pittsburgh. Many drivers use proper safe winter driving practices for icy roads and exercise extreme caution in poor conditions, but accidents still happen. Weather- and road condition-related motor vehicle accidents pose unique complications for injury claims; determining who is liable is not always straightforward....
Many people frequently patronize the 24,000+ available hotel rooms in Pittsburgh and have great experiences. But when things go wrong and the hotel’s negligence causes injury, who foots the bill? Depending...
Garbage trucks are huge, heavy vehicles that have large blind spots. So when they are involved in accidents, serious injuries or death often result. Victims and their families will likely qualify to file a claim and pursue compensation...