According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Halloween ranks second for the most pedestrian fatalities in the year. A research analyst at AAA, says drivers must be more alert than ever between the hours of 4 p.m. and midnight on Halloween. This is when pedestrians are most vulnerable.
The best thing to do when driving on Halloween is to drive slowly. Driving slowly can make the difference between life and death in the event of an accident.
Try to avoid neighborhoods and highly populated residential areas during trick-or-treat. If you must drive through these areas, be on high alert for children. Children may be wearing darker clothing and they may try to cross the street between parked cars.
As a parent, when preparing to take your kids out to trick-or-treat, there are a few precautionary steps you can take to ensure your child’s safety. First, never let children go out alone. Your children should travel in a group, accompanied by an adult and have a planned route. When planning your route, make sure children know never to cross the street without looking and to avoid crossing behind parked cars.
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Start A Free EvaluationSecond, inspect your child’s costume before they head out. Avoid any type of mask or head gear that will impair your child’s vision. Check that the length of the costume is appropriate so children do not trip. Also, consider using some type of reflective tape either on their costumes or their bags; this will help drivers see the children better.
Also, if you plan on attending Halloween parties and consuming alcohol, always have a designated driver. One-third of all motor vehicle fatalities are caused by drunk driving.
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Contact Us Now For HelpDo not let this Halloween turn tragic. Make sure you are doing everything you can as a driver or a parent to ensure that children have a safe and fun Halloween. If you or a loved one were injured in an accident caused by someone’s carelessness on the road, contact Berger and Green today.
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Source: NHTSA.gov, “National Pedestrian Crash Report”