Keeping Dogs and Guests Safe Over the Holidays
Over four million dog bite incidents will occur in the United States each year according to the American Humane Association. Sadly, half of those attacks will involve children under the age of twelve.
Dog bites are a common occurrence during the holidays. This time of year can be especially stressful for dogs due to changes in their routine and the coming and going of visitors.
See how you can protect your dogs and loved ones this holiday season.
- Dogs should not be allowed to greet visitors at the door. This is for the safety of your dog and your guests. Keep the dog in a separate room or crate until visitors are settled and then you may allow the dog to say hello if you feel it is an appropriate time. Try associating visitors with something good for the dog such as giving them a special treat after they arrive.
- Monitor your dog’s reaction to visitors. If the dog seems overly excited, barking, growling, cowering away, trying to hide or showing any other signs of anxiety or aggression, the dog should be separated from the visitors. To make the dog comfortable, give them their own space, a comfortable blanket and a long-lasting chew toy.
- Always monitor children around dogs. Try assigning one adult to watch the dog, keeping an eye out for signs of stress and unwanted attention. If you have multiple dogs, you may want to consider keeping them in another room during large gatherings with children. No child should be allowed to touch your dog unless you or someone else has their hands on the dog to prevent face-to-face contact between them and to also help prevent the child from hurting or bothering the dog.
- Do not try and train your dog while company is present. If you do perceive a problem with your dog and your guests, this is not the time to work on it. It is not reasonable to use visiting children and adults to help train your dog. A dog needs someone they know and trust to teach them.
If you or a loved one were bitten by a dog, do not blame yourself.
It is common for dog bite injuries to involve the family dog or another the dog the family is familiar with.
Dog bite claims should be covered by an individual’s insurance, so even if you know the dog and the owners personally, you should still pursue legal action.
Dog bites, when severe, can be life-altering for an individual. That is why it is important to get the compensation you need to move forward after a dog bite incident.
Recovering compensation after an injury from a dog bite.
If you have been injured by a dog bite, it is important to hold parties accountable for your injuries. You may be entitled to compensation to cover medical bills and missed time from work.
It is a dog owner’s responsibility to make sure their dog does not cause harm or injury to others.
Dog bites can cause serious injuries that are both physical and mental.
At Berger and Green, our attorneys take your present and future needs into account.
Contact the personal injury attorneys at Berger and Green for a free no obligation consultation.