Stroke Types and Complications
Strokes are also known as brain attacks for their similarity to heart attacks. There are two primary types of stroke. Most strokes are Ischemic Strokes – strokes that are caused by blood clots or fatty deposits blocking blood flow to a part of the brain. The other type of stroke is a Hemorrhagic Stroke, where an artery in the brain leaks into the surrounding area of the brain.
Many strokes have no warning signs. TIAs (Transient Ischemic Attacks), sometimes called mini-strokes or warnings strokes, are blockages of this kind that break up quickly, resulting in temporary stroke symptoms. These are often considered signs that a more serious stroke is imminent unless lifestyle changes are made.
The most common symptoms of strokes come on suddenly and include sudden numbness, confusion, trouble seeing in one or both eyes, dizziness, and severe headache. There are many complications that stroke victims face, including problems with communication, thinking, memory, emotions, and senses. Those recovering from stroke may also experience physical weakness or numbness, arm and leg pain, depression, and paralysis on one side of the body. These complications can be severe and can keep you from working.
40+ years of experience from strong, knowledgeable, compassionate attorneys.
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Strokes and TIAs can lead to a permanent disability. . If you have a continuing problem following a stroke that prevents you from working you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. The road to recovery following a stroke can be long and difficult, requiring home care and extensive rehabilitation in order to regain independence. Don’t wait to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. It is important to apply for benefits as soon as you know you will be unable to work for a minimum of 12 consecutive months so that you get all the benefits you deserve.
We know you’re hurting. We can help. Free case evaluations, home and hospital visits.
Contact Us Now For HelpFree Consultation
If you are someone you love has suffered a stroke or TIA, call the law firm of Berger and Green, (412) 661-1400 for a free consultation about your claim. The attorneys at Berger and Green can help you decide how to move forward with your Social Security disability case so that you can focus on recovery.
Free case evaluations • NO attorneys’ fees or costs unless we recover a settlement, benefits, or verdict in your case • We can initiate your case by phone or e-mail – CALL today (412) 661-1400 or Contact us online