Get Disability Benefits With Schizophrenia
Symptoms of schizophrenia can prevent you or a loved one from working and earning a living. If you live in the Pittsburgh, PA area, the disability lawyers from Berger and Green can help you understand if you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits for schizophrenia. This could include Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). We have fought for the compensation our clients need for over 40 years.
Let the Berger and Green team go to work for you today. We can help you file your claim or fight a denial of your initial application. Call us today at (888)-394-1510 for your free case evaluation.
40+ years of experience from strong, knowledgeable, compassionate attorneys.
Start A Free EvaluationProving You Suffer From a Qualifying Impairment
The Social Security Administration publishes a list of qualifying impairments and the guidelines for getting disability benefits based on each diagnosis. Schizophrenia falls under Section 12.03 – Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders.
While there are no medical tests that confirm a schizophrenia diagnosis, you must have evidence in your medical records to show you suffer from the condition and that your symptoms are severe enough to meet certain guidelines. The Social Security Administration requires you to have evidence to display at least one of the following:
- Delusions or hallucinations
- Disorganized thinking and/or speech
- Grossly disorganized behavior or catatonia
You will also need to prove “extreme limitation” in one or “marked limitation” in two of the following abilities:
- Understanding, remembering, and/or applying information
- Interacting with others
- Concentrating, persisting, or maintaining pace
- Adapting or managing yourself
Alternatively, you may qualify if you do not suffer from an extreme or marked limitation, but you have a documented history of the disorder over at least two years and:
- You are currently undergoing medical treatment or mental health therapy that helps to reduce your symptoms; and
- You have major problems adapting to changes in your environment or new demands outside of your regular routine.
When you let Berger and Green help you file for social security disability for schizophrenia in Pittsburgh, PA, we will ensure your claim includes all the proper documentation required by the Office of Disability Determination Services. They will request your medical records using this information and use the evidence collected to determine if you suffer from a qualifying impairment.
Since 1983, Berger and Green has fought for the compensation our clients need and deserve. We will help you pursue disability benefits, including filing your claim or handling your appeal. Call us today at 412-661-1400 to get started with a free case evaluation.
We know you’re hurting. We can help. Free case evaluations, home and hospital visits.
Contact Us Now For HelpUnderstanding Your Residual Functional Capacity
If you do not meet the strict qualifications in the impairment listing, you may still get disability benefits based on your residual functional capacity (RFC). This evaluation of your abilities allows the Office of Disability Determination Services to understand if you can work, the types of jobs you can work, how often you can work, and how long you can work.
If your RFC evaluation finds you cannot work any job you might qualify for, you will likely get approved for disability. You may also get benefits if you can work but require accommodations from your employer.
There are three ways the Office of Disability Determination Services can get your RFC:
- A doctor from the agency can review your medical records and evaluate your abilities.
- Your doctor can evaluate your abilities based on their knowledge of your case.
- A doctor paid by the Social Security Administration will conduct an examination and evaluate your abilities.
You need an attorney with the experience and dedication to give your case the care it deserves.
Start A Free EvaluationGetting Social Security Disability for Schizoaffective Disorder in Pittsburgh, PA
Qualifying for Benefits Based on a Schizoaffective Disorder Diagnosis
If your schizoaffective symptoms prevent you from working or keeping a job in Pittsburgh, you may be eligible for Social Security for schizoaffective disorder. Let the team from Berger and Green review your case and help you file a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). We can also help you navigate the appeals process if the Social Security Administration already denied your initial claim.
The Social Security Administration’s Blue Book of impairment listings places schizoaffective disorders under Section 12.03 – Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders. You must meet specific criteria to prove you suffer from a qualifying impairment.
To approve you for benefits, the examiner from the Office of Disability Determination Services must see evidence you have at least one of the following:
- Delusions or hallucinations
- Disorganized thinking or speech
- Grossly disorganized behavior or catatonia
They also need medical evidence to show you have either “extreme limitation” in one or “marked limitation” in more than one of these areas:
- Understanding, remember, and applying information
- Interacting with others
- Concentrating, persisting, or maintaining the pace
- Adapting or managing yourself
Alternatively, you may be able to show you have a history of a serious and persistent schizoaffective disorder that has lasted at least two years despite ongoing treatment and that you struggle to adapt to changes in your environment or routine.
The examiner from the Office of Disability Determination Services will only know the details of your illness that you provide. For this reason, it is important you provide as much detail as possible when describing your limitations. In addition, they will rely on your medical records to find the evidence to support and approve your claim.
That’s why you must provide accurate and complete contact information for all your medical care providers. We can help you do this before filing your claim.
We can address all the legal hurdles that may be keeping you from getting a fair settlement.
Speak To An Attorney TodayQualifying for Disability Without Meeting an Impairment Listing
If you do not meet the impairment listing’s qualifications, you may have to rely on your residual functional capacity (RFC) to get the disability benefits you need and deserve. Your RFC is an evaluation of your remaining abilities despite your impairment. Your RFC tells the Social Security Administration about your ability to get and retain a job.
If they find you cannot work any job you qualify for, or that you require accommodations to work and earn a substantial gainful wage, you may qualify for disability benefits.
There are generally three ways they can evaluate your RFC:
- A doctor from the Office of Disability Determination Services can evaluate your abilities.
- Your own doctor can evaluate your abilities based on their knowledge of your case.
- The Social Security Administration can ask you to attend a consultative examination with a doctor to evaluate your abilities. They pay for the exam.
Avoiding a Technical Denial When Filing for Pittsburgh Disability
Before the local Social Security field office passes your claim paperwork on to the Office of Disability Determination Services, they first ensure you meet all technical qualifications for SSDI or SSI. They ensure you meet all income requirements, work credit requirements, and other technical criteria. If you do not meet all requirements, you could receive a technical denial before anyone looks at your medical qualifications.
Some of the most common reasons for technical denials include:
- Having earned income above the current substantial gainful activity limits when applying for SSDI.
- Not having enough work credits for SSDI.
- Not having recent enough work credits for SSDI.
- Having too much income or too many assets for SSI.
If you enlist the help of Berger and Green to file your Social Security disability claim, we will look over your paperwork before submission. This will ensure you complete all questions and provide accurate answers. This can reduce your risk of a technical denial. Call us today at 412-661-1400 to get started.
Berger and Green Can Appeal Pittsburgh Disability Denials
If the Social Security Administration has already denied your initial claim, you are not alone. More than half of all applicants receive a denial. Many secure disability benefits by appealing the decision. You only have 60 days to act, so give us a call right away at 412-661-1400. We can request an appeals hearing on your behalf if there is sufficient time to do so.
Before your appeals hearing arrives, we will:
- Answer any questions you may have and address your concerns.
- Investigate why the Social Security Administration denied your claim.
- Build a solid case proving you qualify for disability.
- Represent you to the Administrative Law Judge overseeing your case.
- Fight for the disability and back pay you deserve based on the facts of your case.
Occasionally, we may be able to pursue additional compensation for a client if they suffer from impairments after a personal injury accident. Injury attorney Laurence B. Green has 40 years of experience pursuing the compensation his clients need and deserve. If you got hurt in a Pittsburgh accident, let us review your case today.
Let Berger and Green Fight for the Benefits You Deserve
If you need help filing your claim, or if the Social Security Administration already denied your claim, the team from Berger and Green can help. Call us today at (888)-394-1510. We can get started fighting for the benefits you deserve right away.
Unfortunately, many people receive a denial when applying for Social Security Disability benefits. Many of them later get approved, but they have to navigate the appeals process and fight for their disability benefits. We can help you file your appeal and secure the monthly payments, back pay, and retroactive benefits you deserve.
When you enlist our help with your appeal, we can:
- Request an appeals hearing, if there is sufficient time to do so.
- Investigate your denial and help you understand why.
- Build a solid case for approval.
- Represent you before the Administrative Law Judge who oversees your appeal.
- Argue for overturning your denial and approving you for benefits during your hearing.
This process can take more than a year. We will argue for full back pay for you to cover this period, if possible, based on the facts of your case.
We may also be able to pursue additional compensation for you if you suffer from an impairment related to a personal injury accident. Attorney Laurence B. Green has 40 years of experience with personal injury cases. If we can prove you suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible for significant compensation. To find out, let us review your case for free.
Call us today at 412-661-1400 to discuss your case with a member of our Pittsburgh Social Security Disability team.