Seeking Compensation for a Fracture From Falling
Falling may cause a number of health consequences, fractures among them. Suffering a fracture could produce both short- and long-term symptoms. This kind of injury could prevent you from working for the foreseeable future.
If your fall was the result of some form of negligence, then you may be able to obtain compensation for your financial and noneconomic losses. A Pittsburgh fractures from falling lawyer could help you seek the compensation to which you are entitled.
Call Berger and Green today at (412) 661-1400 to find out how a lawyer can assist you with your case for compensation.
40+ years of experience from strong, knowledgeable, compassionate attorneys.
Start A Free EvaluationFractures Can Cause a Major Disruption in Your Life
Findings published by Ohio State University note that:
- There are approximately 6.3 million instances of bone fractures each year in the United States
- Wrist fractures are the most common type of fracture for those younger than 75 years of age (and could be the result of a fall)
- More than 887,000 hospitalizations occur each year because of fractures
- Fractures account for approximately 16% of musculoskeletal injuries in the United States per year
These statistics show that fractures are not necessarily a rare injury. However, the fact that they may be common does not mean that they are without consequences. Healthcare.gov notes that the direct cost of treating a broken leg can be up to $7,500, but the variables unique to your injury could make the cost of your fracture substantially higher.
Some factors that may affect the direct financial cost of your injury include:
- Whether you require emergency transportation after your injury
- Whether you require hospitalization for your injury, and for how long you are hospitalized
- Whether you require surgery, and if so, what type of surgery you undergo
- How quickly you are able to recover from your injury
- Whether your injury results in permanent disability
- How long you must be out of work to recover from your fracture
- Whether your long-term earning power takes a hit because of your injury
The secondary costs from suffering a fracture—missing work, paying for rehabilitation, and the similar hurdles to your full recovery—may substantially increase the total cost of being injured. Your lawyer will take into account all of the losses that you suffer because of your fracture and will seek coverage for those losses from at-fault parties.
Your Lawyer Will Pinpoint Those Responsible for Your Fracture
When seeking compensation, one initial step you must take is to determine who is responsible for your losses. In the case of a fracture caused by a fall, it is important to know the specifics of your injury-causing accident, and your lawyer will start serving you by becoming familiar with your incident.
One of their next steps will be to identify who is responsible for your injuries. At-fault parties could include:
- A municipality or government entity overseeing the flooring on which you were injured
- A business owner
- A homeowner
- A home or apartment renter
- A flooring component manufacturer
- A flooring installer
Your Pittsburgh fractures from falling lawyer will examine the facts of your injury and case, including liability issues in your specific circumstances, and hold those responsible for your losses accountable through a lawsuit.
Call Berger and Green today at (412) 661-1400 for a free consultation.
We know you’re hurting. We can help. Free case evaluations, home and hospital visits.
Contact Us Now For HelpHow Your Lawyer Will Handle Your Case
The team at Berger and Green can help you with an insurance claim or lawsuit if you or a loved one was injured because of a fall. Upon speaking with you, your lawyer will:
- Collect your account of how your injury occurred
- Review any evidence that you provide
- Provide a preliminary plan for seeking compensation
The party who appears responsible for your injury may have insurance for accidents such as yours. Your lawyer can explore the possibility of reaching an insurance settlement, which may cover your medical expenses and lost income. An insurance settlement may not be feasible for any number of possible reasons. In this case, your lawyer can begin a lawsuit.
If a lawsuit is your eventual course of action, then your lawyer can:
- Review and apply statutes involving premises liability
- Determine every party who played a role in causing your injuries
- Make a written case for each party’s liability
- Organize evidence proving fault and liability
- File your lawsuit
- File all other required paperwork
- Make appearances on your behalf
- Negotiate a settlement with attorneys for defendants in your case
- Complete a trial if they do not reach a settlement
Whether you pursue compensation through an insurance claim or lawsuit, having a lawyer to fight your case could be beneficial in several ways. The perks of hiring a lawyer may include:
- You avoiding the stress that may come with an insurance claim or lawsuit
- You being able to focus more time and attention on your recovery and other responsibilities in your daily life
- Having a lawyer’s knowledge of the law on your side
- Having a lawyer’s relevant experiences at your disposal
- Having a legally-trained resource to answer your questions and respond to your concerns
An insurance claim or lawsuit is not something that should be taken lightly or completed hastily. If you or a loved one suffered an injury—or in the worst case, passed away—then you may be unable or unwilling to manage an insurance claim or lawsuit as is required. Fortunately, a lawyer can handle your case from beginning to end.
Call Berger and Green Today
The team at Berger and Green will seek to obtain compensation for you so that your injury-related losses may be covered. You may be able to be reimbursed for your medical costs and lost income and the noneconomic harm you suffered.
Call Berger and Green today at (412) 661-1400 for a free consultation with the team for a Pittsburgh fractures from falling lawyer.