Get the Help of a Corry Attorney to Get Your Disability Benefits
Social Security Disability can be a crucial form of financial support when your physical or mental impairment has left you unable to work. Proving that you are eligible for those benefits, however, is not always an easy task. You can learn more about eligibility requirements and the steps to qualifying for these benefits with the help of a
Corry Social Security Disability lawyer.
The lawyers and staff at Berger and Green are here to help Pennsylvania residents through the process of applying for and receiving Social Security Disability benefits. We also can help guide you through the appeals process if you receive a denial of your claim. We care about the outcome of your claim and will help you submit the evidence that you need to support your claim. Call our offices today at (412) 661-1400 and find out what you need to do to get started with the application process.
40+ years of experience from strong, knowledgeable, compassionate attorneys.
Start A Free EvaluationSocial Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income
Social Security Disability is made up of two separate programs that provide benefits to individuals. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are available for disabled people who have at least a minimum amount of work history. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, however, are for people with little or no work history, very low or no income, and limited resources or property.
In October 2020, the Social Security Administration (SSA) paid out over $10.9 million in SSDI benefits and $4.8 million in SSI benefits to eligible participants in these programs. Despite the thousands of people who receive SSDI and SSI benefits, though, the Social Security Administration does not automatically award disability benefits to anyone who applies. The medical conditions of applicants must be severe enough to meet the definition of disability. Furthermore, in the case of SSI, people must have income and assets that fall below certain levels to remain eligible for SSI payments.
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Contact Us Now For HelpMeeting the Definition of Disability for Social Security
You must meet various requirements to qualify for either type of Social Security Disability benefits. However, the primary requirement for both programs is that you must be disabled within the Social Security definition of disability to receive these benefits through either program. According to the SSA, you must have a mental or physical condition that is so severe that you are unable to return to work doing your previous job and your condition also prevents you from adapting to another type of work. Additionally, your disabling medical condition must be likely to last for at least 12 continuous months or more or result in death.
Whether you are applying for SSDI or SSI, SSA first determines whether you have been working to a degree that shows that you are not fully disabled. They measure whether you have engaged in “substantial gainful activity,” which is defined as earning, on average, a certain amount of income each month. SSA maintains a listing of various medical conditions so severe that they prevent individuals from engaging in substantial gainful activity. If you have a medical condition that is not on this list, SSA must determine if your condition is as severe as one of the conditions on the list.
Next, SSA considers whether your medical condition is “severe” enough to prevent you from doing basic work activities. Finally, SSA looks at whether your medical condition prevents you from working at your previous job and if it prevents you from doing a different kind of work, based on your age, education, skills, and previous work experience.
Call (412) 661-1400 to speak with a member of our team about your situation.
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Start A Free EvaluationAppealing a Denial of Social Security Disability Benefits
If you apply for Social Security Disability benefits and receive a denial of your application, you still may be able to get disability benefits. You have the right to appeal the denial of benefits. However, you must take prompt action and request an appeal within 60 days. A Corry Social Security Disability lawyer can help ensure that you meet all deadlines necessary to continue pursuing your claim for benefits.
The first stage of appealing a denial of Social Security Disability involves requesting a reconsideration of your application. A different SSA employee than the one who initially reviewed your application will review your application at the reconsideration stage. Once they have reconsidered your application, you will receive a letter in the mail notifying you of the results of the reconsideration process.
If a request for reconsideration still results in the denial of benefits, you have another 60 days to appeal that decision. At this stage of the appeals process, you are asking SSA to schedule a hearing about your claim. You and your attorney will go to a hearing in front of an administrative law judge (ALJ), who will consider new evidence and all the evidence that you previously submitted to SSA in support of your application for Social Security Disability benefits.
You also can personally testify about your medical condition and how it affects your ability to perform everyday activities. Finally, you can present new or additional evidence to support your claim, such as new medical records or test results. Following the hearing, you will receive a written decision from the ALJ about your claim.
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Speak To An Attorney TodayWe Can Help with Your Social Security Disability Claim
Pursuing Social Security Disability can be a complicated and frustrating process. You may be overwhelmed in dealing with your disabling medical condition, as well as with your inability to work and pay your bills. Handling a complex claim and appeals process to get the benefits that you need can be too much for you to handle on your own. In this situation, a Corry Social Security Disability lawyer can help.
We want you to be able to focus on the most important things in life – your health and your family while we concentrate our efforts on building your claim for disability benefits. Our job is to handle your claim from start to finish, including the various stages of the appeal process. Call (412) 661-1400 to find out how the lawyers at Berger and Green can help.