Get Help With Your SSD Benefits Claim
The financial insecurity that comes with a physical disability can be terrifying. However, you can potentially qualify for Social Security disability benefits provided you have paid into the system and worked for a certain amount of time, and you have a disability that prevents you from working.
However, the Social Security Administration denies most claims for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits up front.
Since disability benefit applications can be complex and denials happen frequently, consider getting help from a New Castle physical disabilities lawyer. We know how to handle disability benefit claims and what is required to prove eligibility. Call Berger and Green today for a free review of your case at (412) 661-1400.
40+ years of experience from strong, knowledgeable, compassionate attorneys.
Start A Free EvaluationPhysical Disabilities Eligible for Benefits
In determining whether you are eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will generally go by its list of eligible conditions, the so-called “Blue Book.” Some of the conditions qualifying as physical disabilities, and included in the SSA’s list of eligible impairments include:
Musculoskeletal Conditions
Musculoskeletal conditions can include a wide range of health problems that can cause dysfunctions or permanent injuries to joints, bones, tendons, nerves, and cartilage, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Respiratory Conditions
Respiratory conditions can cover a wide range of medical problems. Conditions that may qualify for disability benefits and are featured in the SSA’s Blue Book include, among others, asthma, lung transplants, pulmonary insufficiency, and sleep apnea.
Cardiovascular Conditions
Any disabling heart conditions can potentially qualify for disability benefits, including but not limited to heart failure, high blood pressure, blood clotting problems, aneurysms, and congenital heart diseases.
Neurological Conditions
There are a number of neurological conditions, such as brain tumors and degenerative diseases, that can cause severe and debilitating physical disabilities. Conditions can include multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and cerebral palsy.
Conditions Affecting Senses and Speech
Suffering from hearing loss or loss of vision, if severe, can qualify you for receiving disability benefits. If you suffer from loss of speech, you may also be eligible for benefits in certain circumstances.
This is not an exhaustive list, and you could receive disability benefits for a range of other conditions that limit your physical abilities to work. Consult with a New Castle physical disabilities lawyer from Berger and Green to find out if you could file an SSDI claim and receive benefits. Call us now at (412) 661-1400.
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Contact Us Now For HelpSocial Security Disability Claim Stages
In order to obtain disability benefits, you will most likely have to go through several stages of the process, especially if your first application is denied. Consider hiring a physical disabilities lawyer to help you even before you file a claim. Your lawyer can make sure that you have all the correct paperwork to prove your claim and ensure your documents are submitted in a timely manner to the SSA with everything in order.
Initial Application
You can file your initial application at your local Social Security office in person, over the phone, or online at the Social Security website. It is not uncommon to have your first claim denied. Once you receive notice that your claim is not approved, you can either file a new initial claim or file a request for reconsideration. If you have not done so already, you should consider seeking the help of a lawyer with your reconsideration request.
Request for Reconsideration
If you have received a denial notice after your initial application, you have the option of filing a request for reconsideration. Your lawyer can help you review exactly why your claim was denied and fix the problems with your application. You may have to supply further evidence of your disability with more detailed medical records.
Request for Hearing
If your claim is also denied at the reconsideration stage, which is not unusual, you still have the option of hiring a physical disabilities lawyer to help you with the disability hearing. After considering the case in the hearing, an Administrative Law Judge will make the decision to deny or approve your case. At this stage of the process, a lawyer can be by your side to represent you and protect your rights at the hearing.
Appeals Council
If your claim is denied at the hearing, you can file an appeal with the Appeals Council. The Appeals Council will assess your entire claim, including the decisions made by the Judge at the hearing. The Appeal Council can return the case back to the Judge for another hearing, reject the appeal, or grant you disability benefits. Without a lawyer by your side, challenging a Judge’s decision at the appeals process can be tough.
Filing for disability benefits after suffering from a physical disability can be stressful and can take a long time. The law firm of Berger and Green wants to take on your case for you and help you receive disability benefits that could support you and your family and help pay bills.
Having the assistance of legal support can take a weight off your shoulders and ensure that your case is not thrown out due to some formality or technicality. Your New Castle physical disabilities lawyer has worked on many disability claims like yours and knows how to handle the paperwork efficiently. While there are no guarantees that a claim will be approved, your lawyer has the tools to fight for the best possible outcome for you.
You need an attorney with the experience and dedication to give your case the care it deserves.
Start A Free EvaluationContact Berger and Green Today
Help is available, and you do not have to struggle through a complicated and challenging claim by yourself, especially if you had your claim denied already. We do not charge any attorney’s fees unless and until you recover a settlement or benefits, so there are no financial risks for you.
Call Berger and Green now for a free, no-obligation review of your disability claim at (412) 661-1400.