With an increase in injuries at trampoline parks, it is important to understand the dangers these parks can possess and what you can do to help ensure your loved one’s safety.
Each year, emergency rooms see roughly 100,000 trampoline injures that occurred at home or at a trampoline park, according to the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System.
The American Academy of Pediatrics warns parents of the dangers of trampolines; however, trampoline parks’ popularity continues to rise.
Trampoline parks pose greater risks than trampolines used at home for a few reasons: the bigger trampolines give people the ability to jump higher and ultimately land harder, there are multiple people using the trampolines at once and also, trampoline parks have walls that you can hit.
There are a few things parents can do to help ensure their loved one’s safety such as using protective gear, avoiding flips on the trampoline and making sure there are not too many children jumping at once. In these types of cases, parental supervision is key in helping avoid an injury.
Recovering compensation after an accident
It is a property owner’s responsibility to keep their premises safe at all times. If you or a loved one was injured while on someone’s property, contact the experienced attorneys at Berger and Green. We keep in mind your present and future needs. Call Berger and Green at 412-661-1400 to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Pittsburgh today.
Source: CNN, “Parks behind big jump in trampoline injuries, study says”