After you have been involved in an accident, it is normal to have a lot of questions and concerns.
In Pennsylvania, one common cause of accidents is unsafe or careless lane changes.
Multi-lane roads, traffic and high speeds can all attribute to unsafe lane changes.
When an unsafe lane change occurs, there is sometimes little you can do to avoid them.
There are many reasons an unsafe or careless lane change can occur, and the outcome will ultimately determine fault in the accident.
- Distracted driving
- Reckless driving
- Poor driving conditions
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Hazards on the road
When a driver causes an accident because they were driving recklessly or improperly changed lanes, they should be held responsible for the resulting damages sustained in the accident.
A driver should change lanes with caution, use their turn signal, check their mirrors, yield to traffic with the right-of-way and pay full attention.
Holding a person liable for a lane-change accident can be complex. It requires proving that their negligence caused the crash. This will often depend on witnesses and the physical evidence at the accident scene.
If you were involved in a lane-change accident, you would file a claim for your injuries against whichever driver was negligent, or who caused the accident.
The claim will be filed against the driver’s insurance and will help alleviate the costs associated with an injury. These costs are known as damages. Damages may include medical bills, wage loss and pain and suffering.
The most important thing to do after any accident is to seek the medical treatment you need.
Recovering compensation after an accident.
If you or a loved one were injured in an accident, contact the personal injury attorneys at Berger and Green. Our attorneys will provide you with a free no obligation consultation to evaluate your case. Call 412-661-1400 to speak with an attorney today.
It is important to recover damages for wage loss, medical bills and pain and suffering. At Berger and Green, we take into account your present and future medical needs. We understand the impact a car accident takes on your life.